Videos by Yibran Aragon, Jorge Lizar, Juan Pablo Montoya & Robert Nelson
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When Spanish conquistadors and explorers first reach the Yucatan Peninsula they were all intrigued by the strange ecology of the terrain, which appeared to have no rivers. They were soon to discover that rivers did actually exist, but were in fact underground, with the Peninsula now recorded as having eight out of the ten longest underwater cave systems in the world...Read more
Sea Turtles

Sea Turtles have swum peacefully through the world’s oceans for millions of year. Sadly, however, these beautiful reptiles are now threatened with extinction due to hunting, capture in fisheries, coastal over-development, beach degradation, and marine pollution. Sea Turtles, except for the short time that they climb on the sandy beaches to dig nests and lay their eggs, spend their time...Read more

Mangroves are woody trees or shrubs that found in coastal habitats in swamps, forests and plant assemblages (mangals). Mangrove plants are found in depositional coastal environments where fine sediments, often with high organic content collect in areas protected from high energy wave action. Mangrove plants are a diverse plant group, which are able to exploit a habitat... Read more