Cave Instruction

First course.........cavern...2 day course
second course......intro to cave.....2 day course
third course..........full cave (includes apprentice to cave & full cave....4 day course)

Our suggestion for the best training to become a certified cave diver is: Our one week package call "Into to Cave Plus". This package gives you four days of instruction, including the cavern and intro to cave courses and two days of experience cave diving at the intro to cave level. note: if you do not complete all requirements in the four days of instruction, we still have two extra days to complete the course (additional instruction costs will apply). That helps take the pressure off, but also the experience dives are very important for a solid understanding of cave diving. Then our second week package called "Full Cave Plus" gives you another four days of instruction and two days of experience diving at the certified cave diver level. The best of the best is to take the above courses with the condos, food and transportation all included, so in that way we take care of all your needs and you can concentrate on cave training.

Please find below more info and prices.

The #1 recommendation for any diver with a sincere interest in cenote diving. This very popular two day specialty course teaches the open water diver the philosophy, techniques, and equipment configuration used for safe cavern diving. 5 cavern dives. The INTRO TO CAVE course is the next step beyond to safely enjoy the overhead environment. Includes all tanks, air, transportation to the cenotes, refreshments, specialty instruction, one certification fee.
Private Course................ $550.00
Two students..................$450.00 each
Plus 16% tax.

Two-day course involving 5 cave dives with single with "dual outlet" valves or double tanks and all specialty equipment. An excellent opportunity to go beyond "natural daylight" and witness the incredible cave environment. Pre-requisite: Cavern certification. Includes all tanks, air, specialty equipment, and transportation to the cenotes, refreshments, instruction and one certification fee.
Private Course...............$575.00
Two students or more.....$475.00 each.
Plus 16% tax.

Cavern and Intro. Courses together plus 2 days of experience dives. NACD.
Private Course..................................$1575.00
Two or three students.....................$1250.00 each

Four-day course completing the cave diving training for INTRO TO CAVE certified divers. Minimum 8 cave dives involving jumps, gaps, T's, circuit dives, traverses, decompression procedures, restrictions, silty conditions, etc. Includes all tanks, air, specialty equipment, transportation to the cave systems, refreshments, instruction, one certification fee.
Private Course .............................. $ 1095.00
Two Students ................................ $ 895.00 each. Plus 16% tax.

Full Cave course plus 2 days on experience dives. Intro to Cave - prerequisite
Private Course.................................$1575.00
Two or three students.....................$1225.00 each

PLEASE NOTE: Dive site fees are additional and paid to the land owners.

The World's Best area for CAVE DIVING
Aquatech specializes in cavern and cave diving training. We are the number one cave diving training facility in Mexico. Most divers travel long distances to our area from around the world to have the opportunity to dive in the pristine caves systems of the Yucatan. Logistics and time schedules can be organized with us through our different packages. This allows our students to be free of any constraint involving transportation, accommodations, etc. can better concentrate on cave training. The package prices below include accommodations, at Villas De Rosa Resort, meals, group airport transfers, equipment rentals, instructions, jungle transportation, and certification.

7 night package with a 4 day course, cavern and intro to cave, plus 2 days of guiding in the caves. All specialty equipment included.

   Winter Season  Summer Season
   (Dec. thru April)  (May thru Nov.)
 Private (hotel):  $2635.00  $2565.00
 2 students (hotel):  $1930.00  $1895.00
 2 students (condo*):  $2175.00  $2035.00
 3 students (condo**):  $2100.00  $1985.00 each

FULL CAVE PLUS: 7 night package with a 4 day course, FULL CAVE, (prerequisite intro to cave) plus 2 days of guiding in the caves. All speicality equipment included.

   Winter Season  Summer Season
   (Dec. thru April)  (May thru Nov.)
 Private (hotel):  $2635.00  $2565.00
 2 students (hotel):  $1930.00  $1895.00
 2 students (condo*):  $2175.00  $2035.00
 3 students (condo**):  $2100.00  $1985.00 each
PLEASE NOTE: Dive site fees are additional and paid to the land owners.

* one bedroom condo
**two bedroom condo
Plus 16% tax